Jenny Doody

Head of Operations

Across her almost 10 years of industry experience, Jenny has driven operational excellence across a diverse range of industries, including fintech, wine production, and aerospace.

With a career that started in engineering for a global automotive company, and ultimately pivoting to operations and project management for a large global fin tech, Jenny combines technical proficiency with leadership and communication skills to foster collaboration and drive business value.

Areas of Expertise

  • Project Management
  • Strategic Planning and Execution
  • Change Management
  • Event Management
  • Team Building and Engagement


  • Masters in Mechanical Engineering
  • Diploma in project management

Sample Delivery Experience

Head of Program Operations | Global Payments Company

Acted as the right hand to the Global Head of Transformation ensuring alignment across teams, priorities, and initiatives which delivered in excess of US$18M ROI in the first year.  


Business Analyst – Operational Excellence | Global Fintech Company

As part of the global Operational Excellence team, delivered on various initiatives to drive change and deliver value including supporting the integration of acquired companies, implementation of technologies and process design and re-engineering to realise hard cost savings.


Systems Project Engineer | Winery

Planned, designed, and launched bespoke digital manufacturing execution system, replacing winery production paperwork to enable clear visibility of live data and reporting.  Responsible for on-site launch, training of all cellar staff, and remote customer support.


Mechanical Engineer | Automotive

Project manager spanning multiple programs of work in engineering, including program support for the Aerospace Manufacturing Line Transformation program ensuring the program achieved  required quality and OHS standards, efficient workflow, and excellent productivity.